Jul 29Liked by David F. Watson

This is the most solid response I have seen in terms of what I saw Friday. But, I still think there are some ideas that need more exploration. I took what I saw as not as offense from the Olympics, but as an offense from Paris. It wasn't the athletes themselves that participated in this. Furthermore, If these Olympic games were held again in Tokyo, Beijing and I'd even say Rio, Sydney or London, I would seriously doubt we would see the show we saw last Friday. If you are going to make a list of cities known for moderation and orderliness, Paris isn't going to make the list.

I also have some deeply held feelings on da Vinci's depiction of The Last Supper itself. Christians are upset, and rightly so, with what they saw Friday. However, I wonder how da Vinci's art was first received. I am going to guess, as people saw the art, there were more than a few that probably felt it was offensive to their own deeply held beliefs as well. I think it's important to at least recognize that in many ways, what we believe is being mocked, isn't so much the event itself "The Last Supper", but an artists' presentation of that event. That might be arguing semantics, a bit, but I think it's an important distinction.

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I think you’re giving them way too much credit. They’re not “deep” thinkers; they are instead deeply committed activists who selfishly pursue their desires at the expense of others. A bit of levity, if you will …I am a little insulted that France didn’t bring their A game to this performance.😁This show was really really amateurish, cringey and an outright assault on the eyes.

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Jul 29Liked by David F. Watson

Thank you, David, for your cogent response to the perverseness of the Olympics Opening Ceremony. The differences between darkness and light were never more on display as certain French artistic elites attempted to subtly reveal their disdain for religious values, in general, and Christianity, more specifically. All cultures, great or small, degenerate internally when traditional sexual mores dissipate. Western culture is witnessing its own demise as a result of its pursuit of a sexual revolution and the resulting hedonism in its many forms (i.e. LGBTQ+ ideology, drag queens, ménage á trois/thruples, etc.) and as Romans 1:18-32 continues to unfold. But most importantly, thank you for your clarion call that Jesus is the only answer, for He alone has “the words of eternal life.”

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Wonderful writing piece, David! I see the battle between dark and light being literally shown. It is interesting that after the "bacchanal", there was a power outage in Paris...and a lone building that remained lit was a Cathedral of Christ (not certain of the name). God is not a bully or a thug. What I saw in the people in that bacchanal were the brokenhearted. Just as I myself was in the brokenhearted group once, I saw the mercy and love of God and His Son for me, a Prodigal of many years who stumbled back Home. I do not condemn these folks, I pray for them. The Christian faith is not a simple and lighthearted faith, nor is it remotely easy to follow. We CANNOT be "good" without the Giver of Good. The narrow path is very tough and one single day at a time. God takes us as we are in any situation and helps us up and out, and to understand and to clean up our own mess. I do not point any fingers of accusation against those who do not follow God and His Son, including one angry commenter on this thread. I do not pray to Donald Trump, I pray to God and His Son. I am an imperfect woman on the slow and laborious road Home, working with Holy Spirit on the things I need to change. I do not hurl invective at people who disagree with me. I can disagree honorably. I will also not be silent about my faith. Blessings to all, Wendy

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The cathedral is le Sacre Coeur, the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I visited it winter of 1979, when I was 22. It’s on a very high hill, and I’m sure the Jesus believers in Paris, in France, rejoiced when they saw it shine bright in the darkness of the power outage. 🥰

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Jul 29Liked by David F. Watson

Thank you, Dr Watson for, in my opinion, the best analysis and response to this now famous debacle at the opening of the Olympics. I believe that in the long run, what was meant to disparage the Christian faith, will in instead, serve to promote it. First of all, it awakened a sleeping Church, seemingly unaware how far removed we are from the glory days of Christendom. Secondly, by mocking the Eucharist, it has broadened the public discussion about the Truths displayed in this Sacrament. We need to remember that God is still in control, and that He allows stunts like this in some ways, to accomplish His will and purpose. Satan and his hoard were made into a public spectacle with the resurrection of Christ. (Colossians 2:15) When it’s all said and done, I believe this latest attempt to suppress Christianity will turn out the same.

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Jul 29Liked by David F. Watson

I appreciate your calm in responding to this sad state of affairs. I am reminded by your teaching how much I hate being hated or (worse) ridiculed. You are doing a good work by reminding us that “all the godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” Not that what we in the west have experienced thus far can be compared to what our brothers and sisters are experiencing even now in other parts of the world. But in some ways it seems even more necessary to talk about persecution when it’s more subtle because what we aren’t fully aware of has more power over us. When we recognize, “Some people are going to despise us because we are Christians” we can then proactively decide on our response rather than reacting in fear and shock, as so many people have done in this situation. Thanks for helping lead us into love and patient endurance.

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Jul 29Liked by David F. Watson

We continue to pray for your back healing-that type of pain is scary-grateful for your faith in the midst of it. How could you write the above article in the midst of pain meds and discomfort??? It is sane, true and absent of rage. Thank you !

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Jul 29Liked by David F. Watson

This is a beautiful article. Very well written. Many thanks.

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Jul 29Liked by David F. Watson

This is by far the most helpful response I have read concerning this event. Thank you, David.

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Thank you, David!

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Jul 30Liked by David F. Watson

The job of a pastor is to guide the church through times such as these. The work of scholars such as yourself empowers us with the words to do so well.

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Jul 30Liked by David F. Watson

Actually, by this point I would say that drag queens are more *de rigueure* than *au courant*. Regrettably.

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Jul 30Liked by David F. Watson

Very well done! Thanks for sharing your perspective.

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Jul 29Liked by David F. Watson

This is an excellent explanation of the failure of Christians to be who Jesus called us to be and to do what Jesus called us to do. Studying John Wesley and the history of the early years of Methodism in America reveals how far Christians have moved away from the disciplines of living as committed followers of Jesus. Mocking a painting of the Last Supper pales in comparison to the widespread mockery of the Christian faith in all areas of life. Our most effective evangelism is actually living as an "above reproach" committed follower of Jesus. Thank you, David. We are praying for your complete healing!

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Jul 29Liked by David F. Watson

Le Filip stated, "“The message of the show is freedom, and it’s a good postcard for France,” they concluded. John 17:16 “They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Being "of this world." Can freedom be found "in the world" or is true freedom found when we are "of the world?" These identities and the need to push them is, to me, being "in" the world and not "of" the world. Can one ever find their true identity or even freedom in what is human? Our shared oneness is true for all and that shared oneness is beyond all identities. The display seems to be intentional and this display only fuels separation, division, and conflict. Beyond the values and identities in the world, we are all of the world.

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Jul 29Liked by David F. Watson

Thank you David for this article on yet another arrow shot against all things Christ. While we know we should not be shocked, as a lover of Christ, how can we not weep for yet another display of anger and hatred towards His righteousness. I have to constantly remind myself and such were you once. I am constantly reminded how my life has been such a vulgar display of hedonism and I mourn that so many are trapped where I was. It is certainly something more to grieve.

I will share this timely word with others. Hope you are having a better day with less pain and I am grateful you were able to rise above it to pen this article.

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Honestly I find this whole situation kind of funny. Why stick Christians in the eyes if they and their beliefs don’t matter? Why bother? Making fun of us in some sense only bolsters the fact that it DOES matter and DOES still have relevance. A little case of “methinks they do protest too much”. Thanks for a great response.

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