Dr Watson, this is surely a timely post. I also believe that madness has always existed in this world, as a direct result of the Fall. I believe that what makes this current season of madness seem different is that now, there’s no attempt to hide it. The mask has been pulled off, so to speak; there’s no shame in promoting evil, or in this case, certain forms of idolatry. As I read though this post, something Jesus once said regarding the end of the Age came to mind, “Because lawlessness will multiply, the love of many will grow cold. But the the one who endures to the end will be saved. This good news of the kingdom will be proclaimed in all the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:12-14) I’m no “prophecy expert”, nor a prophet, but in my opinion, it seems that the end of this Age is quickly drawing near.

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Not only has the world gone crazy but with new technology such as AI, it has become scary. Americans are scammed out of their life savings. The internet is used by foreign entities to foment hatred by Americans towards their fellow citizens. Disinformation is common, yet there is no discernment, no integrity, no trust, no truth, and no faith. It is difficult to stay on the narrow path. I have to remind myself everyday, that not only is God in control but one day I will see him in all his glory.

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When do we (you or I) apply all that you have said in this sub stack to the political candidates for many offices including the highest of our land. When do I clearly state that many current leaders and candidates are as opposed to the teachings and witness of Christ as the other forms of madness to which you referenced? I feel we may be on the verge of the silence of the body of Christ the church in the time of the 1930 and 40s. More and more authoritarian anti teachings of Jesus and Scripture are becoming stronger.

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I do think lots of Christian leaders are speaking out, both progressive and conservative. In my opinion this is a good thing. Christians should be consistently in the public conversations.

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So many Christians are adamantly opposed to Donald Trump and so many are adamantly supportive of Donald Trump. How can both be correct? I have heard Donald is God's own and that God is opposed to him. I have also been told that I can't be a Christian if I don't vote for Trump and even Donald has said I am evil if I oppose him. Maybe Pope Francis says this election is a choice of the lesser of two evils. May the Lord save us from ourselves!!!!

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When you put all together the words and actions of Donald Trump, He is almost the polar opposite of the teachings and way of Jesus Christ, I pray for his soul for he has declared I am the enemy. I pray he is not our next president.

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Any comment? Am I going down a rabbit hole? accepting that God is in control then does it matter for whom I vote?

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This election has been especially divisive. Personally I did not care for either candidate. As followers of Jesus we are commanded first to love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength then to love our neighbor, even our enemies. So be joyful in the Lord Jesus who has saved us from the wrath to come. Trust God and do not worry about politics, leaders, or even those who follow them. May the peace of Christ be with you.

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